Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New College Update

I recently posted on Linden Homes plans to redevelop the New College site on the Avenue. Click HERE for earlier post.

I wrote to Linden with a number of objections. I have reproduced their reply below.

I am still very unhappy with the plans which are not in keeping with the area.

Councillor J Moulton
C/o Members Room
Civic Centre
SO15 7LY

22 March 2007

Dear Councillor Moulton

Proposed Redevelopment of the New College Site, The Avenue

Thank you for your email. Apologies for the delay in responding to you, however I hope this letter answers most of your questions.
In respect of the matters that you highlighted in your recent email, I will respond in the order that you raised them:

1. Traffic congestion. As with all planning applications of this magnitude, we are to produce plans
and a traffic assessment which satisfies the local highway authority. We have been in liaison with
the highways officers at the city council, to date no concerns have been raised. Importantly, the
local road network is sufficient to cope. Linden is also keen to stress that the residential
redevelopment of this site would achieve a decrease in the level of traffic generated with vehicle
movements occurring at the opposite times of the day to that of the previous educational use.

2. Parking. You will be aware that there is presently a strict ceiling to the amount of parking that
can be provided within new developments, which is a government initiative to reduce reliance on cars and promote the use of public transport. Importantly, I can confirm that the level of parking proposed for the scheme accords with current local planning guidance. However, Linden does recognise that the current local plan policy is under review and, if necessary, is able to increase the current level of parking provision on site. It is further worthy to note the site’s sustainable location close to good public transport points. Linden will do what they can to reduce disruption to surrounding roads.

3. Design. The design for the proposed scheme has evolved as a result of the site’s constraints,
namely the existing trees and the matter of the two conservation areas alongside the listed
buildings in Rockstone Place. Linden has, therefore, looked to design the proposed new dwellings
in a contemporary and sympathetic manner, working to ensure that the overall development will both protect and enhance the Avenue and Carlton Road Conservation Areas. It is also important to stress that over the last few months council officers have been involved with the progression of the scheme’s design and such discussions will continue between both parties over the coming weeks.

4. Combined Heat and Power. Linden has assessed the usage of the CHP plant and has found
that the size of the site and its former development renders the inclusion of this element unviable. However, all the properties would be constructed to meet, at the minimum, the EcoHomes Very Good rating. Importantly, Linden is also determined to ensure that this development creates new benchmarks in terms of sustainable design when compared to other developments in the City.

I hope these help to answer your questions, however please do give me a call on the project’s dedicated information line - 0800 298 7040, if you would like to discuss the points raised further.

Yours sincerely

For and on behalf of Linden Homes Southern


Anonymous said...

Linden is out of touch with Southampton needs.

Traffic congestion: to say that to build over three hundred homes and say that no concerns have been raised and that it would result in a decrease in the level of activity is wrong.

Parking: again to put three hundred homes and not enough parking will result in problems to think otherwise is either naive or simply stupid. To follow dictates from a government shows a lack of leadership or a lack of a failure to look at the impact a development will have in a community

Design: this is subjective and always will be, but to have buildings in the style of local buildings should be a guild.

Combined Heat and Power: goes without saying that a build of this size should have as low a carbon footprint in the construction and in perpetuity.

Jeremy Moulton said...

I agree with you. No planning application has been submitted yet however if one is and if it's along the lines of what we have seen from Linden so far, then local ward councillors will be submitting objections to the council's planning pannel.