Saturday, April 06, 2013

Planning Application for Sulphur Plant in the Docks

There has been Daily Echo coverage of a planning application for a Sulphur Pellet Plant in the West Docks and I know residents will be very concerned about possible noise, smells and traffic.

I am hoping that there will be a public meeting very soon and that the company applying for the planning permission will attend to answer questions about the proposed plant.

I can also confirm that the application will be heard by the council's Planning and Rights of Way Panel. This is a public meeting where residents can speak and raise their concerns in person. It is likely to be on 28th May and I have persuaded that council to extend the deadline for resident comments to 10th May. 

The planning reference is 13/00123/FUL and the full details can be found HERE on the City Council's website.

Residents were not informed about the application by the council, as because this is an application in the docks, they are not legally required to do so. I think this is quite wrong. The planning reports talk about the impact of the plant, citing individual addresses, and yet those properties were not contacted! I am asking that in future the council contact residents when there are docks applications that might impact local people. 

We have the threat of the Helius Biomass power station and now this new application and so residents are rightly concerned and should in my view be properly kept informed. In this case it was only because of an eagle eyed local resident who saw it on the council's website, that the application came to light.

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