Saturday, April 06, 2013

Plans to Demolish Southbrook Rise?

Several weeks ago demolition signs went up around Southbrook Rise in Millbrook Road East. The building has been empty since the City Council moved out of the offices. 

I have had lots of questions from local people wondering what will happen with the site. No one at the City Council's planning department seem to know anything about it however planning approval would been needed if the building was pulled down. I am trying to find out what is going on. It would be a shame if the building was pulling as its a reasonably attractive office block. I am hoping its not going to be another big block of flats without proper parking. Parking in the area is already very difficult and with plans for night time parking charges in the city centre the local area will suffer even more from commuter parking. More flats would be the final straw!

UPDATE: 21/04/13: recently raised concerns about the possibility of Southbrook Rise in Millbrook Road East being demolished as demolition signs had gone up around the site. I have been in discussion with the planning department at the council and they have now informed me that the site won’t be demolished and that a planning application (13/00467/FUL) has been received for a proposed single storey new building (reception) and internal refurbishment of the whole building. I am still unsure as to why there are demolition signs on the fencing to front of building as they are not proposing to demolish.

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