Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dan Hannan....Telling It As It Is

Gordon Brown has run out of our money.


Rich Green said...

Do you stand by his comments that employing all those 'public sector workers' was a mistake?

Jeremy Moulton said...


New jobs are of course a good thing but not if they destroy jobs elsewhere.

I fully support the principle of moving forward planned capital spend where it is on construction and infrastructure projects that will benefit the wider economy. A positive spin off will be that it creates new and hopefully local jobs. There doesn’t seem to be much evidence of it happening locally though.

However reckless expansion of the public sector when the country is facing dramatically falling tax revenues is not sensible or sustainable.

If I treated the city council’s finances the way Gordon Brown runs the country I would be laughed at. Actually I would not be allowed to.

Gordon Brown has racked up vast, unprecedented amounts of public debt. The borrowing in the coming year is more than the entire GDP of Ireland! He plans huge taxes rises in the future to pay for it.

The impact of big taxes rises will be businesses going bust and people being laid off. The net impact of Gordon Brown’s policies is that he is destroying jobs through ill thought out short term initiatives.

SEEDA have pulled a £4.6m grant for Guildhall Square. This is part of city centre public realm improvements which will benefit the wider economy. This will now fall to the council taxpayer to fund.

25 Port businesses are facing an extra £3.75m non domestic rates tax bill. The port faces crippling increases in ship taxes.

The government appears to have pulled the plug on funding to rebuild City College, Tauntons College and Itchen College. Pulling the plug on Itchen College jeopardises the planned rebuild of Sholing secondary school.

So despite all the rhetoric all we see locally is failure from a Labour Government letting down Southampton.
