There is a meeting of the Planning and Rights of Way panel on Tuesday 15th August.
I have listed below the applications in Freemantle Ward that will be considered in the meeting.
The meeting is in Conference Room 3 in the Civic Centre. You can just turn up if you are interested. If you want to speak about an application being considered by the panel you let the person on the door know and they take down your details.
10am - 11am
78 Northlands Road - 06/00944/FUL. Click here to view the papers online.
This is the Tudorwood application. Linden homes are planning to tear down the old house on the site and build a block of new flats. This is a resubmission as the application was previously turned down. Linden Homes have since had a ecological survey done to look at what local wildlife is in the area. There was some concern about disturbing bats in the woods and that might be in the rafters of the house.
11am - 12pm
31 Greville Road - 06/00924/FUL. Click here to view the papers online.
Update: 15/08/06 - Both the above applications were approved by the Planning Panel today.
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