Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tackling Anti Social Behaviour in Freemantle
Southampton City Council and the Police have taken a range of actions to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area. Having been informed of the problems, this is what the council did:
- Increased police patrols in the area and used powers to seize alcohol.
- Identified those responsible for the problems and warned them about their behaviour.
- Removed a bench they were using a place to congregate.
- Visited local off licences and asked them not to serve to the main instigators of the problems in the area.
The council will continue to monitor the situation and take further action to deal with any further concerns that are raised.
If you have any questions about what has been done or would like to speak to someone about this or any other issues that are affecting you, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Safer Communities Team on 023 8083 2013.
To report a new or un-related problem of anti-social behaviour:
Call: 0845 045 45 45 Hampshire Constabulary
101 Non-emergency Police number
Go online:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Civil Service Ground Update
The Council intends that the land is used as playing fields for local schools, including neighbouring St Marks School, as well as community use.
As part of the process the council has submitted a planning application to register the land as open space. The decision will be taken by the council's planning panel early in the New Year at a panel meeting in either January or February.
As your local councillors, Brian Parnell, Michael Ball and I have written formal letters of support. I also intend to speak at the panel meeting.
Bovis Homes and Stonechat (the development arm of the Civil Service Sports Club) have both objected and are arguing that at least some of the site should be developed for housing. We have been resisting these attempts to develop the site for many years and I will arguing strongly at the panel meeting that their submissions are rejected.
I am pleased to report that we have gained the formal support of Sport England who have unequivocally stated that in their view the whole site should be regarded as open space. I am very confident that the council will approve the application and that this will be an important step towards finally acquiring the land next year.
Friday, December 03, 2010
Her Majesty's Guide to the Country's Debt
A tongue in cheek but very accurate guide to the county's national debt...
Thursday, December 02, 2010
New Powers to Manage Multi Occupation Homes
As a port city with 2 universities, Southampton has areas with large concentrations of HMOs, leading to parking problems and other difficulties.
New planning powers, called an Article 4 Direction will allow the council to require planning permission for new HMOs and will mean it is possible to refuse applications where they are inappropriate or set sensible conditions on the applicants.
The council has announced that it will implement an Article 4 Direction as soon as possible and on Tuesday I headed a delegation from Southampton and Bournemouth to meet with Civil Servants in London from the Communities and Local Government Department to discuss how the new powers will work.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
New Allotments for Brickfield Road

I am delighted at the decision by the city council to protect the unused land at the corner of Brickfield Road, in Portswood from development.
A decision was taken back in 2006 by the Lib Dem council Administration at the time to sell the land for housing and when this came to light last year there was strong opposition, led by the local community group (NBSP).
In particular I would like to thank Raf Persaud for his tireless campaigning on behalf of the community.
Portswood Councillor Vincenzo Capozzoli and I have been working for the past 12 months to keep the site green and to protect the land for the local community.
Following the public meeting of local residents last year we have been working hard behind the scenes to reach an agreement with the University that will see the site converted to allotments. Using the site for allotments was a suggestion put forward at the residents meeting last year and I am pleased that the council has listened to local people and found a way to achieve this.
Mountbatten Way CREW
A major clear up of Mountbatten Way and nearby roads started today as part of Crime Reduction and Environment Week in Freemantle.
Offenders under the Community Payback scheme are working to tidy up rubbish that had been fly tipped in the area. Work will also include cutting back bushes, filling pot holes, erecting neighbourhood watch signs.
Lighting repairs on the bridge have been reported to Network Rail.
The clear up follows a request by the local neighbourhood watch for Saxon Road the Cracknore Road.
Southampton set to embrace new housing powers
Last week the council received government guidance on new ways to control HMOs – rented homes where three or more unrelated people live.
The council is now looking at the best way to use these new powers, named Article 4, which means it will be able to refuse new HMOs in Southampton, where they are appropriate.
Article 4 powers allow local authorities to implement strict planning rules in specific areas. The rules require landlords to attain planning permission before turning homes into rented HMOs.
These powers would allow us to look carefully at areas in the city where there are problems or issues with houses of multiple occupancy. We can also look at areas where there are concerns from residents about protecting where they live in the future.
It means we can insist that landlords apply for planning permission if they change the use of a house into a HMO.
As well as exploring how it will use Article 4, the council is also working with communities and organisations to make sure plenty of houses remain as family homes in Southampton.
We want to embrace diversity in Southampton and make sure we cater for all. However we must protect family homes and make sure Southampton is a place where families can live and enjoy. To do that we need to make sure there are lots of family homes for our residents to choose from. That is why as well as looking at these new powers, we are also working with people like private landlords and the University of Southampton, who we are supporting with their accommodations strategy.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Well Done Southampton Schools!
At Key Stage One the city is now above the national average, shooting up the local authority league tables.
At GCSE we have had our largest increase in our history at 4.1%, closing the gap significantly with national average.
The improvements reflect the hard work put in by teachers and pupils across the city. In addition the city council has worked with struggling schools, partnering them with good schools and investing in teacher training programmes.
Schools in the west of the city have done particularly well with big improvements in GCSE results:
- Lord’s Hill Academy (+13%)
- Upper Shirley High School (+5%)
- Redbridge Community College (+17%)
- Regents Park Community College (+10%)
Monday, August 09, 2010
The One Big Community Festival
For further details contact 07766 144373 or email
Local Conservative Councillors will be there during the day holding a surgery to help with local issues and problems.
The Keys are Handed over for No. 1 Guildhall Square
The city council is reducing its central buildings from 7 to 3 with the aim of saving money and improving working conditions for staff. Overall this rationalisation of buildings will save the local taxpayer about £700,000 per year.
The ground floor of One Guildhall Square will house Gateway, the council’s customer services centre which is set to open on 23rd August.
Avenue Improvements
Further up the road work has begun on a new scheme to improve safety on the Avenue.
Two new traffic islands are being constructed to aid the right turns from The Avenue into Winn Road and Northlands Road. There will be some new hatched areas painted on the road to compliment the revised layout.
This area has proved something of an accident black spot over the years and this new layout is designed to reduce the likelihood of cars turning right being involved in accidents at these junctions.
Details of the scheme can be seen by clicking on the image below:
Friday, August 06, 2010
£35m Boost for Southampton's Academies
Funding for the schools had been on hold because of a government review being undertaken of capital funding for schools across the country.
Building work for the Oasis Academy Mayfield starts in October and Lord's Hill Academy construction starts in January 2011.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Fighting for our local Schools
Local Conservative Councillors yesterday announced that £13m of local council capital funding previously earmarked for Southampton's Building Schools for Future (BSF) programme would be protected.
This money will be combined with the new national national funding that we hope Southampton will receive when the government announces its replacement capital programme for schools.
The money will help to ensure that the city meets future demands for school places and that all Southampton's schools are brought up to a decent state of repair.
As well as lobbying for new government money and fighting to retain the £35m that local Conservatives secured for the city's two academies, we are pressing government to refund the £2.4m in aborted costs that the city council has incurred in preparing for the BSF scheme.
It is shameful that in these difficult economic times, when public sector funding is extremely tight, that local Labour Councillors are maintaining their opposition to the city's two academies and the additional funds to improve the schools, preferring for ideological reasons to see them split across two sites in out of date buildings.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tackling Anti Social Behaviour in Freemantle
Your local councillors have been working with the City Council, the Police and the Probation Service to tackle fly tipping and anti social behaviour in the cutways between Stafford Road and the back of Poveys Dance Centre in Shirley Road.
Community Payback has been used to clear the litter. Signs in both Polish and English have been put up to discourage drinking. The council will also be consulting local people about whether some routes should be blocked off with gates, to discourage congregations of drinkers.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thank You To Everyone Who Supported Me Thursday
I am very proud of my team who worked tremendously hard across the constituency for several years, knocking doors and helping local people with their concerns. I am also very proud of the excellent, positive campaign that we fought.
We made a considerable dent in Labour's majority in Southampton Test and saw a huge rise in the Conservative vote. Next time we will win this seat I am sure.
The Southampton Test results were as follows:
Labour: 17,001
Conservative: 14,588
Lib Dem: 9,865
UKIP: 1,726
Green: 881
Majority: 2,413
I was very pleased to be re elected as Freemantle Ward Councillor with a decent majority. I will continue to work hard as a councillor, representing the area and ensuring that local people have a strong voice. The Conservatives have strengthened our position on the city council with two gains, one at the expense of Labour and the other the Lib Dems. We will continue to deliver a sound, responsible administration for Southampton.
The Freemantle Ward results were as follows:
Conservative: 2,490
Labour: 2,111
Lib Dem: 1,985
Majority: 379
On the national stage, I am delighted that Gordon Brown is finally on his way out. David Cameron now offers us fresh hope for the future and I am sure that he will put the nation first and work in the interests of Britain, putting partisan party politics aside.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Vote Conservative Today!
If you need a lift to the polls please call us on 023 8022 5353.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Weekly Political Roundup
- Interview with Radio Solent about Sheltered Housing Wardens
- Knocking doors in Millbrook
Tuesday 20th April
- Knocking doors in Regents Park
Wednesday 21st April
- Knocking doors in Regents Park
Thursday 22nd April
- Council meetings at the Civic Centre
- Constituency correspondence
- Politics Q+A session with Girl Guides at Freemantle United Reform Church
Friday 23rd April
- Taking part in year 8 democracy classes at Redbridge Community School
- Southampton Students Union Election debate
- Meeting wih University students
- Door knocking in Shirley
Saturday 24th April
- Door knocking in Shirley
Sunday 25th April
- Interview with Highfield Church
- Meeting with Inner Avnue Residents at the Avenue Pub Sunday Breakfast
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Five Of My Local Priorities As Your Member Of Parliament
I want a better deal for Southampton from government and I will be the city’s champion in Westminster. Labour has neglected the city for years, instead favouring areas in the North. I want to end the scandal whereby every year our tenants hand over millions of pounds of rent money to government for them to spend in the North of England.
2. Improvements to Local Schools
I am passionate about improving our local schools. I will fight to secure the rebuilding of 7 secondary schools in the city. I want to see parents put in the driving seat and to have a choice of good local schools.
3. Planning Reforms
I want to see Conservative reforms to planning laws, so that local people are protected against bad developments. I welcome our plans to restrict retrospective planning permission, to put decision making in the hands of local councils and to stop appeals to unelected planning inspectors. I back the rules that will limit excessive numbers of multiple occupation homes being concentrated in one area.
4. Fluoride Vote
Local people should have a say on fluoridation of water. I will fight for a local referendum and to stop the Labour government forcing fluoridation on the city’s residents without their consent.
5. Port and Jobs
I will do everything I can to protect and create local jobs. The port in particular is a huge direct and indirect employer and is a vital part of the city’s economy. I will fight to scrap Labour’s extra port taxes which threaten the port’s competitiveness.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tory petrol plans might see fuel cut by 10p a litre.
Two years ago the Conservatives proposed a 'fuel stabiliser' policy. Effectively tax on fuel would fall when prices are high and rise again when they fall, thus avoiding huge spikes in fuel costs. Local Labour MPs poured scorn on it at the time but with petrol now a staggering £1.20 a litre, this policy would be a welcome relieve for families, perhaps saving as much as 10p a litre.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I Will Fight For Local Schools and Colleges
I am pleased that I have been able to secure millions of pounds of funds for our primary schools. I am also delighted that we are pushing ahead with the rebuilding of two city academies. As a local councillor I helped secure £35m for these schools – money that Southampton Labour Councillors and MPs would have turned down.
We have 5 new secondary school building projects in the pipeline. The only thing holding back approval for these new schools is government sign off. As soon as the government gives the go ahead the city council will enter procurement to build the new schools. My concern is that our local Labour MPs are delaying the projects for political reasons, during the election campaign.
Our Labour MPs have already let the city’s young people down once, by refusing millions of pounds of promised funds to rebuild Taunton’s and Itchen college. It would be shameful for them to put our new secondary schools at risk too.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
This Week
- Council Meetings
- Meeting residents in Millbrook
Tuesday 23rd March
- Council Meetings
- Meeting residents in Millbrook
Wednesday 24th March
- Meeting residents in Millbrook
Thursday 25th March
- Speaking at the Yacht Club in Ocean Village
- Constituency casework
Friday 26th March
- Launch of the new self service system at Lordshill Library
- Meeting young people at Fairbridge to discuss voting and the election
- Meeting residents in Freemantle and Millbrook
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Labour have run out of ideas and run out of our money
Labour have failed to outline a credible plan to tackle the deficit and by delaying the spending review until beyond the election Labour are deliberately hiding the truth from the public.
The Chancellor promised no new tax rises but is freezing the personal allowance for income tax, a stealth tax on the lowest paid.
There is no fresh thinking and the best ideas are ones pinched from the Conservatives, like plans for a green investment bank and axing stamp duty below £250,000 for first time home buyers.
Labour have run out of ideas and run out of our money.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Conservative Councillors Run for Sport Relief
Friday, March 19, 2010
Visit to Central Sure Start
On Monday I accompanied Maria Miller MP, Shadow Minister for Familes and the MP for Basingstoke to the Central Sure Start in Clovelly Road. We met with staff and parents to discuss their experience of the service and Conservative plans to help families.
David Cameron has made it clear that he wants Britain to become the most family friendly country in Europe and improving Sure Start is central to that vision. If the Conservatives form the next government we plan to recruit an extra 4,200 health visitors nationwide and have greater emphasis on health outcomes.
Maria commented during the visit that she was impressed by how closely Southampton City Council and the city's Primary Care Trust worked.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Conservatives Will Overhaul Labour's Failed Planning System
Our broken planning system is in desperate need of an overhaul and local communities need to be put in the driving seat.
I am particularly pleased by two key changes an incoming Conservative Government would make.
Stopping Retrospective Planning Applications
Firstly, we would extend permitted development rights so that simple changes to residential properties would not need planning permission. We would at the same time seriously restrict retrospective planning applications, allowing them only where genuine mistakes are made. This would have two effects. It would mean that simple, non controversial planning matters would not have to go through the rigmarole of the planning process, thereby freeing up money and resources which could be better spent on enforcement. It would mean that rogue developers would no longer be able to bypass local planning authorities, developing properties and then only applying for planning permission when challenged or when threatened with enforcement action. I come across this sort of abuse on a regular basis in my role as a councillor and it is of huge concern to local people.
Reforming the Planning Appeals Process
Secondly, we would reform the planning appeals process, which currently undermines democratic decision making by local council planning panels and which allows developers to run rings around planning officers. We would limit the grounds for planning appeals to where correct procedures were not followed and where decisions contravene local planning rules.
For far too long rogue developers have 'played the system' using a bureaucratic and centrist planning system to run roughshod over local people and to get around local planning decisions.
Give Us A Vote!
The council debate was about fluoride but not about the merit of fluoride or the concerns of those who oppose it. It was instead about Democracy.
It is clear that an overwhelming majority of residents in Southampton do not wish to have fluoride added to their water.The NHS’ initial consultation attracted 10,000 responses, with 72 per cent against. In a separate and later phone poll of 2,000 residents, 38 per cent opposed fluoridation compared to 32 per cent in favour. Whichever way you cut it, to date, local people have made it clear that they don’t want fluoride.
In a democratic, free country we should respect the views of majority. Labour’s unelected quango, the South Central NHS are however pushing ahead with their plans.
I feel that on such an important issue you shouldn’t ride roughshod over residents’ views. On Wednesaday I called for a referendum to determine finally and without doubt the views of local people. I would expect the NHS and the Government to respect the outcome of that referendum.
I was delighted that the motion was carried, albeit without the support of Labour or the Lib Dems.
On Wednesday we voted on the motion and made our views as a council known. However it is important to note that the Conservative Party nationally support local people having their say and a referendum. David Cameron and Andrew Lansley MP have both put this view on the public record when speaking recently in Hampshire.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Out and About in the Community
This is an opportunity for me and the Conservative candidates for the city council elections to meet people and answer questions about politics or help with their concerns.
In January I met with Newtown residents at the Argyle Centre and in February I met residents at St Denys Community Centre. Today I held a surgery at Highfield Church. Amongst the issues we discussed were Houses of Multiple Occupation and Conservative Party policies on schools and higher education.
Next Saturday I am holding a surgery at the MP3 Mansel Park Pavilion in Evenlode Road, Millbrook. I will be there with local councillor Paul Holmes and Chris Webb the Conservative candidate for Redbridge Ward. Tea and coffee will be served!
My Contract With Southampton Test
If elected as a Member of Parliament for Southampton Test, I Jeremy Moulton will:
1. Continue to live in Southampton.
2. Represent local people with regular surgeries around the constituency.
3. Publish online details of any personal expenses incurred as your Member of Parliament.
4. Publish online details of any office expenses incurred as your Member of Parliament.
5. Open up my unedited expenses claims to local newspapers at the end of every financial year.
6. Never claim for food.
7. Never claim for furniture or household goods.
8. Meet my own tax liabilities - such as stamp duty - without claiming them from the taxpayer.
9. Not claim the £10,400pa Communications Allowance to produce MP leaflets.
10. Fight for a fairer deal for Southampton.
Closing the Student Visa Security Loophole
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Southampton Special Constables to be exempt from Council Tax
I am delighted that after a three year long campaign the scheme will be up and running in a few months time.
When I knock on doors and meet people, time and time again I am told that we need more police on the streets. The numbers of Special Constables has halved since 1997 and it is hoped that this new initiative will double number in Southampton.
Low Council Tax and Better Roads and Pavements
- Local Conservatives have achieved a below inflation council tax increase at 2.5% - the lowest in the city’s history.
- The roads budget inherited from the Lib Dems has been doubled and a further £700,000 has been allocated to tackle the damage from the winter weather.
- £6m of efficiency savings have been indentified, including saving hundreds of thousands of pounds in council communications.
The impact of the recession and chronic under funding of the city by government makes it very difficult for the council to make ends meet. However many people are struggling at the moment and we need to ensure that we keep taxes down while still protecting services.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Southampton Needs More Powers to Manage Houses in Multiple Occupation
Over the past 10 years we have had numerous government ministers, visits and promises but very little action.
As university numbers have increased, local residents, particularly those in the Portswood & the Polygon areas of Southampton, have sought to limit the further development of HMOs in the city, particularly to protect family homes which we know are essential for strong communities.
I am pleased that, after years of lobbying by local people, the city council and local councillors, the government has now signalled that it will act, with changes coming into force in April to require new HMOs to have planning permission.
The only information that Southampton City Council has received so far about this is a government press release. We are awaiting further details. I hope that the government is not rushing this initiative through and is clear about the detail. This is a very important problem for the city and, so long as the detail is right I will be welcoming this change as I feel that councils should have powers to tackle the issue in areas where it is an acute problem, such as in Southampton.
We need to ensure that we get the balance right between controlling problem HMOs and ensuring that housing needs are properly met for all groups in the city.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
How Localism Could Save Us Billions
Southampton City Council has just had its annual audit at a cost of £334,000. It is a useful report (and is broadly complimentary) but largely tells us what we already know and certainly doesn't represent value for money. That is only part of the cost though, as considerable resources in terms of staff time are spent preparing for these over zealous audits. The annual audit is just one example of a whole myriad of disproportionate and costly inspections imposed by government on councils up and down the country.
Huge amounts of time and money is spent by local authorities and other public bodies bidding for pots of government funding. Only a few are ever successful on each occasion, and money is wasted by those that do not succeed. Probably the best example is the debacle over college funding. Locally our colleges in Southampton and Hampshire spent millions bidding and preparing for promised rebuilds. In the end not a penny came to Hampshire. Across the country an estimated £200m was wasted on this alone.
Finally we have the large number of unelected, quasi-autonomous non governmental organisations or ‘quangos’. These extra layers of bureaucracy with their big budgets, shuffle bits of paper, produce endless reports, distort local priorities and have little or no accountability. Decisions should be taken by our schools, hospitals and elected local councils, not by faceless bureaucrats.
This regime of inspections, quangos and ring fenced pots of money with expensive bidding processes, costs the taxpayer billions of pounds every year. Surely now, when the public finances are tight, it is time to admit that Labour's top down, centrist approach has failed, and instead better to adopt a localist approach which empowers public services and saves us all a great deal of money.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
David Cameron Launches NHS Manifesto and Conservatives Launch the Election Campaign in Southampton Test

2. Give patients detailed information about the performance of doctors, hospitals and GPs.
3. People allowed to choose where they are treated.
4. More private and voluntary providers in NHS
5. GPs’ pay linked to their performance and results.
6. Cut cost of NHS administration by a third.
7. Independent NHS board to manage the health service.
8. Hospitals will lose money if patients contract MRSA.
9. End mixed-sex accommodation.
10. Drug companies paid according to effectiveness of treatments.
11. New hotline for urgent care to run alongside 999.
12. New maternity system giving mothers more choice.
13. Every five-year old given a dental check-up as part of overhaul of NHS dental service.
14. Fines for those missing dentist appointments.
15. New drive to help the mentally-ill.
16. Department of Health turned into Department of Public Health.
17. More funding for poorest areas to tackle health inequalities.
18. £10 million a year to support hospices caring for children.
19. Single budget for each person suffering from chronic illnesses to cover their health and social care.
20. Everyone can protect their homes from being sold to fund residential care by paying a one-off insurance premium of £8,000 when they retire.
Monday, January 04, 2010
Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I was selected as your Conservative Parliamentary Candidate 2 years ago and have been working hard to represent local residents.
I know 2009 has been a very difficult year for many families. As a city councillor I see on a day to day basis the impact that the recession is having locally.
As a councillor I have been dedicated to strengthening our front line local services. This has involved improving our schools, regenerating our housing estates, investing more in the roads and streetlights and providing more support to our vulnerable, young people and the elderly. I have also been focussed on keeping local taxes down; limiting council tax, introducing a discount for pensioner households and cutting city centre car parking charges.
As a candidate for Parliament I have been battling for a better deal for
2010 will be election year. It is clear that only the Conservatives can change the government and can beat Labour in