I am absolutely delighted with the local election results in Southampton and really thrilled for all our new Conservative councillors who have w0n after months and months of hard work.
In a stunning victory over the Lib-Lab coalition, the Conservatives won 15 of the 17 contested seats. We came a close second in the remaining two. In all 10 new Conservative Councillors were elected, including two eighteen year olds, all of whom are so keen to do a good job. Full details of the results can be found HERE.

Newly Elected Councillor for Coxford: Ben Walker
I think the backdrop of a great night nationally for the Conservative had a big impact, however local factors were extremely important in this election.
The Conservatives fought on a positive manifesto for the city, including low council tax, a discount for pensioners, more special constables, protection
for family housing and thousands of hours of extra after school sport.
We were clear in our opposition to Lib-Lab policies like introducing a fee for first permit holders in residents parking zones and the Lib Dem policy to scrap the weekly bin collection.
Most importantly I believe that the people of Southampton were giving their verdict on the Lib-Lab pact. Labour and Lib Dems combined to throw out the previous Conservative administration which had run the city since May 2007 following a Conservative victory at that local election. Labour and the Lib Dems told the electorate that it would be their coalition which would run the city for two years, regardless of how people voted. They did not count on the scale of public anger that they would generate through denying the public their democratic voice.
The message to Labour voters was simple - we take you for granted. The message to Lib Dems equally clear - vote Lib Dem get Labour.
Conservatives now have a big task ahead over the next two years. However the team work and enthusiasm in the local party is so great I am very confident we will do the city proud!